Experts offer recommendations for downtown Northville traffic patterns

Main Street in downtown Northville.
Representatives of Northville’s Department of Public Works and Mobility Network recently met with Fleis and Vandenbrink (F&V) to review their report of traffic patterns and pedestrian safety in and around the closed streets of downtown Northville (portions of Center and Main streets).
Among F&V Traffic Engineer Julie Kroll’s recommendations: Traffic lights at N. Center and Main, N. Center and Dunlap, and Main and Hutton should stay in cycle – turning green, yellow and red at regular intervals – to allow pedestrian traffic to cross the intersection safely.
Currently, the traffic lights are flashing red at all times, making it an all-way stop for vehicles, but making it harder for pedestrians to cross.

Changes galore under consideration
F&V also took into account suggestions made on an app developed by their subcontractor, MKSK. Of 125 actionable suggestions, all are being considered when it comes to new street markings, crosswalks, bump-outs and other traffic-calming measures.
Beginning in April, F&V will conduct a traffic study of non-arterial roads between Seven Mile and Eight Mile; and between Rogers and S. Main/Northville Road. The results will guide them in developing a neighborhood traffic management plan to ease the flow of traffic around the downtown street closures.
Action plan in the works
When F&V’s report is complete, specific suggestions from Grissim Metz Andriese regarding the closed sections of Main Street and N. Center will be integrated with their findings to present a comprehensive action plan on pedestrian safety and improved traffic flow throughout town.
Those findings, recommendations and rationale will be presented to the Northville City Council in the near future.
Thanks to City of Northville Communications Director Liz Cezat for contributing this article to