Friday the 13th was lucky day for buyer of lottery ticket in Westland

A $25,000-a-year-for-life lottery ticket was sold at Jerry’s Party Store in Westland. PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE MAPS
A patron of Jerry’s Party Store in Westland will be receiving $25,000 a year for life after matching the five Lucky For Life lottery numbers on Friday, Dec. 13.
The as-of-now anonymous ticket holder matched the five white balls drawn – 03-15-32-34-37.
Jerry’s Party Store is located at 28940 Warren Road in Westland. It marked the 14th time in 2024 a player has won $25,000 a year for life playing Lucky For Life.
A $1.05 million lottery ticket was purchased earlier this month at Maple Drugs in Westland.
Twice as nice
Twenty-four hours later, a lucky player matched the six Lotto 47 numbers drawn – 09-15-16-30-40-44 – to win a $1.1 million jackpot.
The winning ticket was bought at Liquor Land, located at 17934 East 9 Mile Road in Eastpointe. It is the eighth time in 2024 and third time in three weeks that a player has won the Lotto 47 jackpot.
“Michigan Lottery players have been cashing in with big wins in recent weeks, and that lucky streak continued over the weekend with the 14th Lucky For Life, lifetime-prize win this year and a third Lotto 47 jackpot hit in three weeks,” said Lottery Commissioner Suzanna Shkreli. “Congratulations to the big winners!”