Tuesday is Global Turtle Day. Here’s how you can ‘shell’ebrate

Turtles will be celebrated around the globe Tuesday.
Ten native species of turtles live in Michigan — some reaching the age of 80.
For those of you who are fond of the lovable, leisurely-moving animals, the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR), an international nonprofit organization established in 1990 for the protection of turtles and tortoises, is “shellebrating” World Turtle Day® on Tuesday.
This year’s theme is simple and encompasses millions of turtle fans around the globe – “I Love Turtles!”
ATR created and launched WorldTurtleDay.org to increase respect for and knowledge about one of the world’s oldest creatures. Turtle lovers show their appreciation of the special day by taking “shellfies” and events and shares on social media.
Turtles go viral on social media
World Turtle Day trends #1 on Facebook, Twitter and other popular social sites so joining the fun with other turtle lovers is easy.
“We are very excited to welcome great partners to share World Turtle Day with us,” said Susan Tellem, founder and executive director of ATR.
“Curb Your Enthusiasm donated a script from Larry David – winner’s choice seasons 1–11.
The script will be auctioned on Charitybuzz.com starting May 10th with an opening bid of $525. More details will be added on the World Turtle Day Facebook page. This is a great way to provide a donation to the sanctuary turtles,” Tellem said.
You’re encouraged to post ‘shell’fies
“We are also excited to welcome GlassesUSA.com with a perfect match to the turtles and tortoises we serve,” Tellem said.
“Tortoiseshell frames are a staple and an icon within the eyewear industry. GlassesUSA.com has sold over one million pairs of this popular style, and desirability is only growing. We have collaborated with GlassesUSA.com on one of their most cherished collections to date, Save the tortoise, created to help protect and raise awareness of these beautiful creatures with 10% of proceeds donated to our foundation.
“Each pair of glasses in the collection pays artistic homage to a specific tortoise, taking inspiration from the most intricate details and translating them through the frames. Fully customizable eyeglasses and sunglasses this is a unique collection for a truly worthy cause.”
Downloadable coloring pages for teachers
Some of the highlights to help make World Turtle Day special include:
• Join the party at home or at work. ATR created a World Turtle Day Party Pack that can be accessed for free here http://bit.ly/1YwebJR
• Join thousands of fans who are posting shellfies, videos and photos in honor of World Turtle Day.
• Post about why #iLoveTurtles to be featured as part of the global shellebration on May 23rd! Find more details on our Facebook page.
• Download World Turtle Day coloring pages for your classroom or shellebration!
• Follow @WorldTurtleDay on Twitter and Instagram. Every year, thousands of people help the day trend by tweeting #worldturtleday and their own photos to spread the good word about turtles.
• Subscribe to our YouTube for the latest turtle and tortoise videos and ideas at www.youtube.com/