Santa, firefighters team up to create special day for pediatric patients

Santa Claus presents a gift to a patient who receives care at Dearborn’s Center for Exceptional Families.
Santa Claus came to town Wednesday and generated heart-warming smiles on the faces of several children who receive care at Corewell Health’s Beaumont Children’s Center for Exceptional Families in Dearborn.
In an event organized by Corewell Health and the Dearborn Fire Department, Santa distributed gifts to kids who are pediatric patients at the health provider’s Center for Exceptional Families.
The joy-spreading event was fueled, in part, by fire fighters, who dropped off hundreds toys that Santa presented to the children.
The toys were purchased by the Dearborn Fire Department with funds raised during its annual “Burn Drive”.
Corewell Health’s Beaumont Children’s Center for Exceptional Families is located at 18501 Rotunda Dr. in Dearborn.
Innovative care for special kids
Through the Center for Exceptional Families’ medical home model of comprehensive and innovative rehabilitation care, children with special needs and their families will be supported throughout their unique life journey, the center’s website explains.

“They will evolve and grow in strength to advocate for health, education, independence and community inclusion,” the site details.
“They will learn to negotiate the joys and realities of living with differing abilities and they will emerge as young adults and families about to pursue their own dreams.”
The Beaumont Children’s Center for Exceptional Families (CEF) is an “all-comers” medical and rehabilitative facility that treats all developmental disabilities, disorders and diagnoses.
Range of conditions
Children at CEF range from mildly developmentally delayed, to multiply impaired children with fragile health conditions.
Many children at the center have cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, autism, intellectual disabilities or genetic syndromes.
Others are dealing with conditions related to other illnesses, accidents or traumatic births.
So, it’s easy to understand how an event like Wednesday’s put smiles on not only all of the children’s faces, but onlookers’ faces as well.
Ed Wright can be reached on at 734-664-4657 or