Here are the 10 nicknames that may replace Canton’s longtime “Chiefs” moniker
The 10 potential replacement nicknames for Canton High School were unveiled Wednesday and, judging by the list, odds favor the new name will begin with a “C” with an animal (real, extinct or mythical) as the mascot.
Among the animal-related finalists are Cardinals, Coyotes, Cobras, Vipers and Cubs.
Phoenix, which is a bird from Greek mythology that rose from the ashes, also made the cut.
Raptors, a vicious dinosaur whose popularity was regenerated by the Jurassic Park films, joins the live — or once-live, but now extinct — selections.
The selections are rounded out by the Cosmos, whose origin means a harmonious universe, and Cyclones.
Student involvement
The list of 10 choices were scaled down from Canton High School student suggestions.
Canton High students were allowed to submit ideas for a new mascot, including “visual representations, explanations, and rationales behind their choices” between Sept. 13-29.
Members of an appointed mascot selection committee (whose names have not been released) reviewed all submissions and created a list of the top 10 ideas.
Ironically, “Chiefs” was one of the most-popular student suggestions, but was not allowed to make the semifinal cut because Plymouth-Canton Schools leadership finds the term disrespectful to Native Americans and can lead to cultural appropriation.
Next step: narrow to 3
The next step in the replacement process includes Canton High School students voting from the 10 choices until Oct. 13, with the top three vote-getters announced Oct. 18
Final voting from the top three will run from Oct. 18-27 with the final recommendation forwarded to the Board of Education for final approval on Nov. 1.
The P-CCS Board of Education voted 6-1 (board member Sheryl Picard cast the lone vote to retain the mascot and logo) on July 12 to retire the Chiefs mascot and arrowhead logo despite results of a survey the board endorsed (with over 6,200 people responding) that confirmed a large majority of members of the Plymouth-Canton community wanted the mascot and logo to stay.
Ed Wright can be reached at 734-664-4657 or Ed Wright at