FREEZIN’ FOR A REASON: Polar Plunge supports Special Olympians

Participants in the 2023 Polar Plunge take the leap into 35-degree water.
For the second consecutive year, Bayview Yacht Club on the banks of the Detroit River is hosting the Special Olympics Michigan Detroit Polar Plunge — an event that supports year-round sports programming for the nonprofit.
The Polar Plunge takes place March 1 at the Bayview Yacht Club (100 Clairpointe in Detroit) with check-in starting at 3 p.m. and plunging from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Registration for both the 2024 Detroit Polar Plunge and Frozen 5K is open at
More than 400 brave people are expected to take part in either the plunge into the frigid waters of the Detroit River or run/walk 5K to raise money supporting programs that provide sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
All funds raised by Plungers help Special Olympics Michigan provide year-round training and services to over 23,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities across the state.
There’s a 5K, too
According to Mike Helm, 2024 Bayview Yacht Club Commodore: “We are used to seeing people playing hockey on the frozen waters in our harbor during the winter months, so it was fun last year and different to see the number of people willing to jump off our docks and into 35-degree water to support such a great cause.”

Last year’s Detroit Polar Plunge at BYC raised $83,000, surpassing its goal of $65,000.
“The turnout for last year’s Detroit Polar Plunge and Frozen 5k at BYC was amazing,” said Bridget Ryley, Special Olympics Michigan’s corporate partnerships coordinator.
“This is our single largest fundraiser for Special Olympics Michigan.
“Last year across the state, plungers generated a record- breaking $1 million, this year our goal is to surpass that number and a big part of it will be all the plungers taking to leap off Bayview’s docks and into the Detroit River.”
There are 25 plunges across Michigan in 2024 with a goal of raising $1.5 million.
‘Cold Splash Bash’
The Frozen 5k Charity Walk will start near the Polar Plunge and participants can either participate in the charity walk as a group or run at their own pace. Participants meet afterward at BYC for the after-party.
The Detroit Polar starts with the “Cold Splash Bash” at 3 pm with the which includes check-in donation turn-in, and a pre-plunge party. A slider bar is available before and after the plunge for plungers who raise more than $100 from 5-6:30 p.m.
Detroit Police rescue divers will be on hand to assist plungers out of the water, and spectators must remain on shore or spectator docks.
For those who raise at least $100.00, BYC is hosting, After the Plunge awards and the Cold Splash Bash will continue! Food and drink are available for purchase for spectators and all participants.